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Community Event: MLK Day March and Festival

  • University of Texas at Austin - East Mall Plaza Austin, TX 78705 (map)

The MLK Day march has been canceled due to forecasted inclement weather. The festival has been postponed to Saturday, January 27. We encourage you all to go! A full program of events can be found here.

January 15th is scheduled to be icy and very cold. Please be careful and stay warm.

We encourage you to engage in learning about Rev. Dr. King’s legacy, both with civil rights and as a Christian minister. Below are some recommended resources.

Austin MLK: Who was MLK?

For children: The Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

For children: Dr. King: A Leader and a Hero

UNUM Ken Burns MLK Jr. video series

PBS Legacy of Dr. Marin Luther King video series

Documentary: Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise

January 12

Youth Midwinter Retreat

January 20

Pizza Workshop with Peggy Maxwell